Friday, May 2, 2014

The Migrating marthatorious

Martha, Rachel, blonde baby
For those of you who don't know, one of my beloved sisters is departing on an incredible life-changing trip. She is starting in the US, and progressing to SE Asia... I am jealous of her upcoming adventures, and stupendously happy that she has this opportunity to travel all over the place and experience all the wild things that this vast world has to offer. She has begun a blog, called The Migrating marthatorious if you want to follow her along on her adventures. I suddenly have a taste of what some of you have expressed in the past; that feeling of 'post something again already!' and she is more prolific than I have ever been.
 If you told me 15 years ago that I would be writing a loving blog entry to one of my chief childhood tormentors, I would have had a few questions. What's a blog? Why would I do that!? Then I would probably have laughed in your face and run off to hide.
Martha, Josh and two blonde babies 
But as luck would have it, relationships change with age, experience and maturity; while Martha (and Josh) had quite a bit of entertainment at my expense, we have managed to grow past that.

 Martha's penchant for travel led to her funding airfare for me to visit Hawaii with her a few years ago. In retrospect it seems I should really try to get a few pictures of people, especially when travelling. But we had a good week of hiking around volcanoes, snorkeling, being scared of urchins and eels (me), and being ecstatic about seeing sea turtles (Martha).
Last summer I made us three girls these ingenious shirts to help people keep us straight on the rare occasions that we work together at market; a little bit of me hopes that Mart takes hers long for the ride, but that's highly doubtful.
Happy Trails Marfoo!!!


  1. This is a very sweet post! It made me a bit teary, but don't tell anyone.
    Love, rachel

  2. I have my shirt with me now. The question is when to wear it. Maybe the East Coast cousins would appreciate it.


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