Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snowshoeing and Such

Its possible that I ought to be writing cover letters now. Its also possible that writing blogs is much much easier. How do you write a freaking cover letter anyway? (I got a library book out on the topic, we'll see how helpful that is.)
Brandon came to town this weekend, I fed him some highly fattening and delicious food. I used my fire and light bowls for the first time. The next morning we went snowshoeing with Nico and Aaron (another volunteer). Leonie decided to hang out at the Hurricane Ridge visitor's center and knit since she had a cold.

Nico was kind enough to drive. He also is the only one who owns tire chains I think. Although we didn't need them. I got the choice middle seat...

I got real excited about all the shiny pretty icicles on the rocks along the roadside.

The landscape looked, you know. Nice.
Some of the icicles on the visitor's center had formed sideways because of the wind.

Oh and if you are wondering dear sisters, yes, those ARE the hideous green rain pants we had for New Zealand, they look far better on him than they ever did on me.
Way in the back there, you can see the snowy Cascades.

Snow boarders are crazy. That's my old lady two cents.

The lads snacking along the way. Thankfully Leonie lent me her sunglasses. I think my clumsy feet destroyed my last pair... It was rather bright.
 I don't really have a whole lot of words right now, just pretty pictures.

I thought it would be nice and cheesy if we recreated our summer Hurricane Ridge picture. Well with all the snow it wasn't easy to recall the exact location, and this ended up being the best picture. Don't I look like a good bossy Phoebasaurus? Oh oh I knit the hat I have on!
And that fog is where Port Angeles is, pleasant looking place, no? You can see Vancouver Island in the far background I think.

When we got up, it was mostly clear. Then the clouds rolled in. And then they kind of wandered out again. Anticlimactic, I know.

Photographic proof that I didn't make Brandon carry the pack all the way (just most). A few minutes prior to this I sort of fell in a giant snow-air pocket and he pulled me out via the pack. Whoops.

At one point there was a rather steep hill. We scrambled down it on the way out to the destination view point. Obviously, we had to scramble back up it on the way back...
Here is Nico demonstrating how to ascend.
All I could think was

Clearly I made it since I'm sitting comfortably in from of the time-sucking computer safe and sound but... I have no desire to make that climb again. In the summer that descent doesn't even exist. Coincidentally the summer trail was more dangerous than doing this with the snow. Funny.
I imagine him thinking "Phoebasaurus, hurry up! We're almost back, come on!" But he's probably really thinking "Oh this will make a cool picture."
Aaron is manly, and I'm not sure he wanted to be in the group picture. Too bad! His soul has been captured now! Mwahahaha..... etc. etc.

I made the flan! Having never seen a flan in real life much less tasted one, it came out pretty well, if maybe a teensy bit overcooked.

I bid you adieu, but I'll leave you with a cheesy picture to ward off solemnity. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures Pheeb! You should make that last one your profile pic coz it is awesome :P


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