Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A little wildlife

The ironic thing about this job is... I now LIKE weeding. Because when you uproot pesky little dandelions and mustards, you have the opportunity to encounter critters like this.

We've had a little time to clean up around the nursery, including weeding in the landscaped areas around the greenhouse and cabin (office).
Leonie really likes frogs, so when I find them I frequently take them to her so she can squeal in glee. 

Work slowed considerably in December. Planting ended in November, so it became nursery work every day, all day. Pots for washing dwindled, we started running out of space for the clean pots.

We removed dozens of broken pallets and picked up a few new ones. Arranging pallets is surprisingly challenging, its like a game of Tetris where the pieces don't really have an optimal arrangement.

And that's what we've been doing...

You all may recall my fascination with mushrooms. Well its that time of year again! These were all growing in the mulch in the landscaping around the nursery.

         Hey look, there's fungus among us


 Otherwise, Christmas is approaching. We had a little cookie decorating party.

They were tasty, and looked like they were decorated by 7 year olds.

I tried my hand at Cardamon bread, it was pretty successful. And TASTY!

For some reason(steam is my guess) the raisins puffed back up to grape size while the bread was baking. Hmmmm.
For a while there have been two potted trees sitting on our porch, awaiting Christmas. While Leonie was away, I dragged them in and dressed them to my liking (much to their distress I imagine). They aren't the most traditional looking trees, but meh, who needs that?

Shortest blog yet and...



  1. Love all the PICTURES!!

  2. So glad you started a blog phoebe!! Now its easier to keep up with you! I miss you so much! Looks like your really enjoying your new job. So happy for you! Hope your doing good. Txt me some time. Love you!


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