Today, I am going to wash my hair with commercial shampoo and conditioner for the first time in over a year. I'm copping out of the baking soda/ vinegar routine... the fine tiny platinum colored hairs framing my face have begun fray, break and split at an alarming rate which I can only attribute to washing them with a caustic solution every few days.
I would like a new camera. I actually purchased one, but returned it because it didn't work even as well as my 7 year old camera... So what's the point? Which means I will be saving rather long than I had hoped to purchase a DSLR... scary!
I think I will try sprouting mung beans. Why not?
I wonder how long I will have to save to buy a ticket to Thailand.
My goal of learning more about my new region has not been going very well. That is to say, I am hesitant to commit to being outside this time of year...
Which hasn't stopped us completely. Brandon looks for surf smelt eggs whenever we go to the shore. I haven't seen any yet. Yet.
There are a few parks nearby which make a nice little walking loop on the weekends and days I get home from work and its still light.
And maybe I'll get some cooking inspiration, we have been stuck in a rut recently.
And maybe I will write more blogs. Hm.
Happy Sunday!
Awesome a new post!