Hello my name is Phoebasaurus and I am the person procurer for the Fish Fund. Give me free things! Cold calling people for donations... not my favorite task. But a learning challenge! Being that I have a hard time asking for help when I need it, asking for free things definitely goes against the grain. Adulthood is a scam! Don't be fooled. I love being busy, it keeps my brain from atrophying.
I stress dream quite a bit. A while ago, while applications were trickling in for my internship, I had a jealous and angry dream about a coworker who had 25 applicants while I still had only 4. To be fair, her internship is way more interesting... The other night, prior to a CPR/First aid course I dreamed I missed the class by two hours. Then I dreamed that my interns, who I oriented the next day, arrived at the office at 8am (a good 5 hours before the designated time), expectantly awaiting enlightenment. As a stress response I took a nap, in my dream, and awoke to find them angrily waiting still... at 5pm. As things settle down, my mind seems to be retreating to the usual subconscious delights: vampires taking over the world, finding pear trees and that kind of nonsense.
In real life one of my (9) interns has already quit because a real job was acquired. We had a massive work party (150+), planted lots of trees! (1200+) and spread a whole boatload of straw.
Here's some people playing with straw.
Have a BRILLIANT week/end!
YAY!- Marfoo