Sometimes its hard to keep the smile on. We seem to live in a society that values a sort of chipper perkiness that if you lack, you must be sad, angry, depressed... We're conditioned to apologize for our emotions.Well guess what. That's my face. And so what if I am angry or sad, do you not see the world? Do you not read the news?
Do you NOT see people being oppressed and willfully ignored in 'developed nations'? You know what, I do get angry. It's been said before but I'll say it again. Being an educated woman who has opinions that are contrary to someone else's... Oh that makes you a bitch, your emotions are out of control, you don't know what you're saying, its the hormones. But if you're a man and you stick to your guns you're admirable, persevering, trustworthy.
No, absolutely not. People are vile, puerile and cruel.
With the supreme court ruling in favor of gay marriage, I had hope. Now Texas debates an anti-abortion bill that would drastically limit access to a safely performed abortion. And I can't help but think, HOW IS THIS ANY OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS? Who is injured by two people loving one another? You don't want your taxes to pay for clinics that offer procedures like abortions (as well as sex ed to the your woefully underwhelming abstinence-based sex prevention program)? Well I have no desire for my taxes pay for an enormous standing military. Seems like we're just two human beings with differences of opinion. Except of course I'm a baby-making machine, so my opinions are invalid.
Maybe I'm preaching to the choir, but every once in a while the choir likes some validation.
I also discovered yesterday that Orson Scott Card, a sci-fi author responsible for several very popular books in the last few decades and who's work I have enjoyed, is one of those homophobic assholes who fought gay marriage tooth and nail. I don't feel like being delicate today.
amen, sista!