True to our food culture, we spent a lot of time making, eating, and talking about food. Martha took pictures of it, but I mostly watched her carry around our one colorful salad plate for three days because it was her 'accent plate'.
I stuck to taking photos of our trips to the Refuge (aka my favorite place in the South Sound) and Point Defiance Park in Tacoma.
Here, Aunty and Uncle watch bagels boil and puff up.
Here's part of the remaining freshwater wetland at Nisqually NWR, a view from the visitor's center platform.
Point Defiance is a huge park (there's also a zoo & aquarium) with multiple gardens embedded in it. We spent some time oohhing and ahhing over rhodies and azaleas
The little sneaky crabby spiders are out in force, capturing bees. Some of the rhododendrons had flowers the size of grapefruit, like the white blossom to the right.
Plenty of gorgeous azaleas too, not quite as in-your-face magnificent as the rhododendrons, a little more subtle.
We then moved on to the native species garden...
A tiny lily who's name I have forgot above, and intensely sweet smelling false Solomon's seal below
We found a place in the sun to eat our picnic, and watched the crows and robins stealthily advance on our position. And there was a heron. And Nancy found some turkey tails (fungus) which are rather pretty.
Today we are going to the Prairie Appreciation Festival, so we can properly celebrate all those millions of camas turning the prairie into a rustling blue lake. Happy sunny Saturday!